November 21, 2022 How would you rate Premier Dennis King’s performance so far this year?Excellent (25.00%)Good (0.00%)Average (25.00%)Below Average (50.00%)Poor (0.00%)Previous Polls November 18, 2022 The World Cup of Soccer is the world’s most watched sporting event and it starts this weekend. How interested are you?Very much (0.00%)Somewhat (50.00%)Not at all (50.00%)Previous Polls November 17, 2022 Is it time for Canada to drop the monarchy?Yes (40.00%)No (20.00%)It makes no difference to me (40.00%)Previous Polls November 16, 2022 How do you feel about potentially being charged a fee for using your credit card for a purchase?I’m OK with it (0.00%)I’ll pay another way (100.00%)I’ll avoid stores that do charge fees (0.00%)Previous Polls November 15, 2022 What is the most important to you when choosing a partner?Personality (50.00%)Looks (0.00%)Intelligence (0.00%)Money (0.00%)Humour (0.00%)Sensitivity (0.00%)All equally (50.00%)Previous Polls November 14, 2022 Nearly 90% of Canadians who made a career change say they’re happier since switching. Did a career change make you happier?Yes (0.00%)No (50.00%)I haven’t made a career change yet (50.00%)Previous Polls November 10, 2022 Do you think carbon taxes are the most effective way for Canada to tackle climate change?Yes (0.00%)No (100.00%)Previous Polls November 9, 2022 How will you observe Remembrance Day? Wear a poppy (66.67%)Visit a war memorial or cenotaph (0.00%)Take two minutes (33.33%)All of the above (0.00%)Previous Polls November 8, 2022 How do you spell this word:Judgement (100.00%)Judgment (0.00%)Previous Polls November 7, 2022 Tomorrow there is a full moon. Are you impacted by full moons?Yes (0.00%)Occasionally (100.00%)No, but my pets are (0.00%)Previous Polls