September 11, 2023 What means more to you?Work-life balance (66.67%)Salary (33.33%)Previous Polls September 8, 2023 Are you happy the kids are back to school?Yes. I was counting down the days (33.33%)No. I’d like to have spent more time with them (66.67%)Previous Polls September 7, 2023 Will Donald Trump be convicted of any charges he’s facing?All of them (0.00%)Some (25.00%)None (75.00%)Previous Polls September 6, 2023 What’s the longest you’ve waited for treatment in an emergency room?1-5 hours (27.27%)5-10 hours (36.36%)More than 10 hours (27.27%)I’ve never had to go to the emergency department (9.09%)Previous Polls September 5, 2023 Do you prefer self-checkout or going to a cashier?Self-checkout (7.69%)Cashier (30.77%)Whatever is faster (61.54%)Previous Polls September 1, 2023 Which national chain has the best burgers?A &W (50.00%)Burger King (8.33%)Dairy Queen (8.33%)Harvey’s (8.33%)McDonald’s (8.33%)Wendy’s (16.67%)Previous Polls August 31, 2023 The last day of August is considered to be the last day of summer by meteorologists.How would you rate this summer’s weather?One of the best ever (16.67%)One of the better ones (16.67%)About average (0.00%)Not that good (66.67%)Terrible (0.00%)Previous Polls August 30, 2023 What was the thing that affected you the most this summer?The heat (16.67%)The humidity (33.33%)Thunderstorms/rain (16.67%)Flooding (0.00%)Wildfires (0.00%)Bugs (33.33%)Road construction (0.00%)Previous Polls August 29, 2023 Scenario: You’re walking your dog when you spot another dog relieving itself and the owner just leaves the mess alone.What do you do?Demand the owner clean it up (16.67%)Ask the owner to clean it up (33.33%)Clean it up yourself (16.67%)Do nothing (33.33%)Previous Polls August 28, 2023 Should Canada revise its immigration targets lower because of housing and social services availability?Yes (85.71%)No (0.00%)I’m not sure (14.29%)Previous Polls